All in one....................... Headline Animator

List of Windows Keyboard Shotcuts.....

Home/End/Pg Up/Pg Down - Often the Home key is used to move your cursor to the Beginning of a line, and the End key is used to move it to the end of a line. Often, the Page Down key won't move your cursor from Page 2 to Page 3, like you would think it would. Instead, they often move the cursor up/down one "screen-length", meaning that if you push the Page Down key, the top of the screen becomes what was just
 after the bottom of the screen before you pressed the key.

  • List of Windows Keyboard Shortcuts.......
For quicker ways of achieving the above tasks, see keyboard Shortcuts. Windows Keyboard Shortcuts associated with each letter of the alphabet.

Short cut                  Function
Ctrl + A                     Select all
Ctrl + B                      Bold
Ctrl + D                      Duplicate
Ctrl + F                       Find
Ctrl + G                     Go to page
Ctrl + H                     Replace
Ctrl + I                       Italic
Ctrl + J                       Justify Text
Ctrl + N                      Open new document
Ctrl + R                      Right Aline Text
Ctrl + W                     Close Document
Ctrl + Z                      Undo
[Alt] + [Esc]               Switch between running applications
[Alt] + [Tab]               Toggle between running applications
[Ctrl] + [Esc]              Open Program Menu
[Alt] + [-]                   Open control menu for active document
[Alt] + [Space bar]     Open Control menu for active application
Ctrl + L                      Left Align Text
Ctrl + O                     Open
Ctrl + P                      Print
Ctrl + Q                     Quite
Ctrl + S                      Save
Ctrl + X                     Cut
Ctrl + U                     Underline
Ctrl + V                     Paste