This is one of the processors which have created by Microsoft using 45nm(Nano meter) Technology. That means the width of a transistor is 45nm. It contains 731 millions of that kinds of transistor circuits and that processor contains that kinds of (731 millions of transistor circuits) 4 chips. That is why it is called "Quad core".
When assembling few silicon chips to create a processor it contains a circuit ,which are data processing units, (Compute elements). and a router (access to memory).
Core i7 is the speediest processor in the world.
- HT(Hyper Treading Technology).
- Dynamic Speed Technology.
In addition Core i7 processor has a IGP(Integrated Graphic Processor). And it has a 3 way circuits to act best with DDR3 and SDRAM memory cards. Also it contains a memory controller.
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